




      Palavra para o autor...

      Um conto pequeno ù um genero a parte. Ele tem suas prºprias leis e regras. Num romance cenas compridas, frases nóo perfeitas, episºdios prolongados podem ser aceitos. Num conto isso ù impossývel. Cada palavra estñ no seu lugar, e nóo tem nenhuma palavra sobrando. Dizem, que um conto ù feito pelo seu final. No caso de um conto pequeno isso ù mais de que verdade. Estas sóo as restri÷¿es rýgidas deste genero.
      Eu nunca escrevi contos pequenos. E agora decidi experimentar. O que eu consegui sóo vocús quem vóo decidir.

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(c) Tradução por Eugeni Dodonov

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      Some words from the author...

      Short story is a peculiar genre. It has its regulations and laws. Some drown-out or imperfectly planned scenes are admissible in a novel. There also might be some stylistic imperfections. In short story all of them are unacceptable. Every word is on the right place, and none of them is superfluous. It's said the ending makes the story. It's 300%-right as far as short story is concerned. Such severe restrictions are there.
      I'd never written short stories before. Once I decided to try. It's for you to judge what came of it.

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(c) Translated by Krokodyl4ik

About the translator and this translation

(Short version)

Once there lived tiny greenish crocodile. When Tiny Crocodile had grown up a little it read one interesting book. It was a long story about a dragon written by Pavel Shumil. And some years later there appeared some other books created by this author. Tiny Crocodile decided to find the author's site in the Internet. And the site was found. Then Tiny Crocodile thought that it could try to translate one short story it liked and made it. That's all, folks!

Krokodyl4ik :)

e-mail: krokodyl4ik @

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